(615) 244-4766
(865) 333-3004
In September 2015, Rio Grande Fence Co. of Nashville debuted a University training series on Thursday mornings. All company employees participate in the weekly educational series held from September–May. We provide a continual learning environment in our business to ensure all employees stay current on the latest fence products and installation tips, together.
As part of keeping our employees safe and educated on the latest safety trends, we host a weekly safety meeting with 100% team participation. This standard allows us to succeed in our stated safety goals by having constant communication with each other. Perfect safety years are a rare occasion but are starting to become the standard at Rio Grande Fence Co. of Nashville. Employees lead most classes with discussion topics generated from feedback in the field. We enjoy the opportunity to host representatives from Tennessee 811 for our annual one-call training to promote safe digging. Our company's preferred tool vendor, Hilti, has a great Nashville office that volunteers to lead multiple classes each year on the latest safety practices and tool advancements. Local contractor groups, ABC & AGC, have safety series DVDs that help supplement our teachings. Our safety meetings are designed to spark conversation. At the end of each class, we ask for feedback on the topic, or on anything else our staff may want to bring up as a safety concern. Our employees stay engaged in our company's safety process by learning together and asking great questions each week. We have benefited from hearing great safety ideas in these meetings that have turned into successful updates to our program.
Employees "caught" working safely on random job site checks receive a Chick-Fil-A gift card. The team below was "caught" in full PPE on a jobsite.
At RGF, you have a say in the matter when it comes to the selection process of our team's PPE, equipment, and tool purchases. Whether during our company-wide safety meetings or during AFA University training sessions, we discuss various purchases company-wide and have multiple work teams collaborate during the selection process by demoing different units to find the best fit. At RGF, we want you to have a say in the equipment you are using to get the job done. One of RGF's top tool partners, Hilti, assists us in the process by loaning our team members different versions of a certain tool so we can test and find the best fit for our needs. We appreciate Hilti sharing our collaborative approach, and we think our employees do as well.
Annual Good Friday Service Project (local non-profit receives a free commercial fence)
Founders Day Breakfast Event held at RGF in honor of our founder, Lee Roy Smith
Breast Cancer Fundraiser for American Cancer Society
Annual Company Christmas Breakfast at RGF
Annual Safety Award
Annual Safety Boot Program Distribution
OSHA 2-Day Paid Training Course